Persuasive Arguments

W.A.L.T write a persuasive argument

We will know we can do this when we...
* say what the issue is.
*  give an opinion about the problem.
*  give reasons for our opinion.
*  use conjunctions to show cause and effect.
*  use adjectives to make the argument more powerful.

Ataahua says...
I like that I said what the issue was in my argument.

My next learning step is to use a range of conjunctions to join my ideas together. 

Learning Co-operatively

W.A.L.T learn to work co-operatively.

We will know we can do this when we can:
*  take turns at the activity
* let other people have a go first
* share our ideas
* focus on completing the task
* work together to complete the task
*  listen to each others ideas.

Student comment:
I can take turns and share my ideas when I am working with others.  My next learning step is to develop my leadership skills.

Adventure Writing

WALT write an adventure narrative

We will know we can do this when we can:
Include a beginning, middle and end.

Describe the characters and settings.

*  Use past tense.
Use nouns, adjectives, and action verbs.

* Use capital letters, full stops and speech marks correctly.

Student Comment:

I like that the witch put a spell on me and I couldn't get out of the new land I was visiting.

Next Step:
To reread my writing to check it makes sense.